EXEC-aide's Planner is designed as a modular workflow that adapts to the way you like. You may want to start off by simply using the "To Do" list section only or unleash the full potential of Planner by following the how to instructions below:
1. Fill out the Project/Events section with significant projects in your life so as to keep track of where your "to do" list items should come from or ensure you have constant reminders of the important things in life. The bank items column are generalized task, not actionable but generally recurring ones that you can pull out from each week. You only need to create this section once, and you can keep updating it over time.
2. At the start of the week, layout all the task and divide them up by day. You may want to just start by placing everything in your "To Do" list and pulling in from there as you go.
3. Take items in next week column and bring to this week. Move items from each subsequent week over one column left.
4. Be sure to set realistic expectations of what can be done each day.
5. For each day, prioritize the order by dragging task bubbles up or down. Timebox each task and click the check when done so you can track your progress in the statistics section as you go.
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